Sunday, April 10, 1921

Cloudy, cool, breezy, clear day. Arose 7 A.M. Breakfast. Dressed etc. To Saratoga to Annual Conference. Mother, Father, Ruth, Tom, Mildred Swart, I, Mr. & Mrs. Bernrath. Home. Dinner. Talked. Short nap. To E.L. To Parkers Corners. Ruth called for me. To bed 1 P.M. [A.M.?]

I found a married couple, William and Isabel Bernrath, who lived in Schenectady and also Glenville. They may be friends or neighbors. But no other clues, so I can't tell.

Saturday, April 9, 1921

Overcast. Some rain. Cleared beautiful in P.M. Arose 6:30 A.M. Studied. Breakfast. To College 7:45-11 A.M. Cleaned up car. Dinner. Dressed up. To Saratoga to Conference 2:15 P.M. Sang in chorus at Methodist and Baptist churches. Good meetings. Walked about town. 2 special cars left 10 P.M. To bed 12 P.M.


Friday, April 8, 1921

Overcast, cool, clear, spring day. Arose 7 A.M. Studied. Breakfast. Read paper. To College 7:45 -11 A.M. H.H. left 11:35 for Boston for Conference on the ministry. Dinner. Home in P.M. Studied etc. Supper. Condition exam in Eng. 7-10 P.M. To bed 11 P.M.

Evidently, this conference was held at Harvard. Here is a news report taken from the April 5, 1921 Harvard Crimson:


Thirty-Five Men Signify--Their Intention to Join Christian Ministry Gathering of Eastern Colleges From April 8-10

Thirty-five men out of the 100 men expected have already registered for the fifteenth annual conference of Eastern college men of the Christian ministry to be held at the University from Friday until Sunday, April 8, 9 and 10. The purpose of this conference will be to give definite and reliable information concerning the demands and opportunities of the Christian ministry. It is open to all college and university men who want to know more facts on the subject, and especially for those who are now deciding upon their life work.
During the three days of the conference an excellent opportunity will be afforded for men to meet and associate with representatives from other colleges as well as leaders in the Christian ministry and social work. The speakers will include President Lowell and ministers of wide experience.
Initial Dinner Friday, April 8
The conference will open with a dinner for all delegates and visitors on Friday, April 8, at 6.30 P. M. Meals and sleeping accommodations, in private homes or in seminary or University dormitories, will be provided for all men who attend the conference. Arrangements for rooms may be made on application to Walter I. Tibbetts at Phillips Brooks House.
The program is as follows:
Friday April 8
6.30 P. M.--Dinner at the First Unitarian Church under the auspices of the seven churches of Old Cambridge. Greetings by the Reverend Samuel McChord Crothers '99, minister of the First Unitarian Church. Mr. C. D. Kepner Jr. '17, Chairman of Committee of Theological Students, and by representatives of Hartford and Union Seminaries.
7.45 P. M.--Opening Session of the Conference, Phillips Brooks House. Address of welcome, President Lowell. "The Maintenance of Ideals in the Life of the Nation," Mr. J. F. Moors '83.
Saturday, April 9
9.00 A. M.--Devotional Service, Harvard Divinity School Chapel.
9.30 A. M.--Conference, Andover Seminary Chapel. "What Constitutes a Call to the Ministry," the Reverend Charles Park, Minister, First Church in Boston (Unitarian). "The Minister's Opportunities for Usefulness"; (a) as a preacher--the Reverend Willard Learoyd Sperry, Professor of Practical Theology, Andover Theological Seminary; (b), as a student--the Reverend George Thomas Smart '95, Minister, Newton Highlands Congregational Church; (c), as a Pastor--the Reverend Edmund Swett Rousmanicre '83, Dean of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Boston.
2.00 P. M.--Conference, Phillips Brooks House. "What I Find Worth While in the Ministry," the Reverend John Dallas, Rector, Episcopal Church, Hanover, N. H.; the Reverend Charles. Lothrop Noyes Minister, Broadway-Winter Hill Church, Winter Hill, Mass.; the Reverend Warren Seymour Archibald '03, Minister, The South Church, Hartford, Conn.
4.00 P. M.--Excursions to various places of interest in Boston and Cambridge.
8.00 P. M.--Conference, Phillips Brooks House. "The Christian Ministry and the World's Need" the Reverend John Merrill, President of Central Turkey College, Aintab.
Sunday, April 10
9.00 A. M.--Communion Service, Episcopal Theological School Chapel.
11.00 A. M.--University Service, Appleton Chapel. The Reverend Francis John McConnell, Bishop of the Methodist Church.
3.00 P. M.--Open Meeting for Discussion and Questions, Phillips Brooks House, the Reverend George Edwin Horr, President of Newton Theological Institution, presiding.
7.00 P. M.--Conference, Appleton Chapel. "The Christian Ministry and the Social Problems." Bishop Francis John McConnell.

Thursday, April 7, 1921

Overcast, cool, dark, damp, day. Arose 6 :30 A.M. Studied. Breakfast. To College 7:45-11 A.M. Home. Odd jobs. Dinner. Home in P.M. Studied etc. Supper. To Phi Nu Theta meeting. Talked. To home. Wrote letter etc. To bed 12:30 P.M.


Wednesday, April 6, 1921

Marvelous bright hot day 85 Degrees in shade. Arose 6:50 A.M. Breakfast. To College 7:45-11 A.M. Home. Fooled around. Uncle Charlie to dinner. Studied. Out to call on John & Anna Meyers. Over to Scotia on business. Supper. Bowled at Morse with H.H. Home. Studied. Wrote letter. To bed 2:30 P.M.


Tuesday, April 5, 1921

Wonderful, bright, warm and clear. Arose 6:30 A.M. Studied. Breakfast. To College 7:45-11 A.M. Home. Wrote in diary etc. Dinner. Studied. Down town. Bowled at Morse Supper. Helped father sort eggs. To bed 10:45 P.M. Thankful?


Monday, April 4, 1921

Fair, bright, mild, spring day. Arose 8 A.M. Read paper. Breakfast. Helped father. To College 9 A.M. to 12:30 M. Dinner. Studied. Took nap. Down town on errands. Supper. To hear Sherwood Eddy in gym. 8 P.M. Good. 1500 in attendance. To bed 10:30 P.M.

George Sherwood Eddy was a leading Protestant missionary, author and speaker, apparently an expert on Asia. He was also the National Secretary for the YMCA. Here is the web page for the Wikipedia article on him. If you're interested in reading one of his many books, Project Gutenberg has With Our Soldiers in France on line at this address: Eddy. It was published shortly after the war, so Stanford may have read it.

Here's his picture:
G. Sherwood Eddy

Sunday, April 3, 1921

Beautiful, bright, clear, cool day. Arose 8:30 A.M. Breakfast. Shaved. Dressed etc. To Church & S.S. Dinner. Helped with dishes. To Ed & Leila's after Ruth; took Uncle John and Aunt Gertie along. Nice visit. To Epworth League. 70 out. To Church with Mildred Swart. Dined at Canton. Talked. To bed 12 P.M.


Saturday, April 2, 1921

Beautiful, bright, cool breezy day. Arose 7 A.M. Breakfast. To College 7:45-11 A.M. Worked. Dinner. On hike 2-10 P.M. Larkin, Finch, Norris, Lincks, H.H., Todd, Brodt, Benedict & I, end of Campbell Ave line. Played ball etc. Ground very wet. To bed 10:30 P.M.

Finch reappears! And two new folks: Todd and Brodt. But with no first/last names, I can't come up with a person.