Sunday, January 30, 1921

Mild dark wet day. Some snow and rain. Arose 9 A.M. Breakfast. Twalay etc. To Church & S.S. Mr. & Mrs. St Clair of California here to dinner. Took nap. Wrote in diary etc. To E.L. 95 YOUNG PEOPLE PRESENT. Rode with D.S.R. to her aunts. Back to social hour and church. Good time. Walked home with Nellie Gallup. TO BED 10:30 P.M.

Hmmm . . . Things seemed to have cooled with Dorothea. Nellie Gallup? 

Saturday, January 29, 1921

Overcast cool windy day. Arose 9:30 A.M. Breakfast etc. Candled eggs & did odd jobs etc. Dinner. Cleaned up. To Ice Carnival at Central Park with auto. Fine time. Bobby McLean and others performed. To Ballston lake to skate. M.M. & Clifford B [?], Ruth. H.H. & I. Supper over camp fire. Fine time. Took bath. Played euchre etc. To bed 11 P.M.

I couldn't find any information about the Ice Carnival, unfortunately. But I did track down Bobby McLean, who was a famous speed ice skater in 1921. Here is an article about the Amateur Championship, featuring McLean, that was to occur at Saranac Lake, NY (about 137 miles north of Schenectady), the first week of February that year:

Plattsburgh Sentinel, January 18, 1921


February 1, 2 and 3 have been fixed as the dates for the National Amateur Champion Races at Saranac Lake. A committee comprising C. J. Ayres C. H. Goldsmith and Livingston Chapman was named to take charge of the arrangements.

Plans were made for evening entertainments on the ice and at the Boys' Club during the meet. The program will include a fancy dress carnival and a fancy dress ball. Arrangements for the latter will be in charge P. J. McGarry.

The meet will follow the Canadian championships which will be staged at Montreal January 28 and 29. An effort is being made to form a circuit including the races at Montreal, Saranac Lake, Lake Placid and possibly Malone. This will enable the skaters of the United states and Canada to compete in the major skating events within a month period and will facilitate the work of the associations involved.

F. H. McKee was named to take charge of the programs of the ice events here and Eddy Whitby will arrange for accommodations for skaters and visitors, it is expected the races will attract a large number of followers of the sport who will have an opportunity of witnessing the races here and international race at Lake Placid within a vacation period.

Admission charge for the races were set as follows: Season tickets, $3.50; single admissions, including grand stand seats, $1.05; general admission afternoons 85 cents for adults and 25 cents for children 14 or under. Evening admissions to the rink 55 cents.

Bobby McLean, taken from National Speed Skating Museum website

Friday, January 28, 1921

Most beautiful bright mild clear day. Arose 7:30 A.M. Studied. Breakfast etc. To College for English Exam 9 A.M. - 12 M. Dinner. Candled eggs. Took short nap. Mr. Hamid here to supper. Bowled with Church League 168-120-156. Lost 2 games to Albany St. To Church Pacific Coast. E.L. Social. Took D.S.R. to her aunts. Talked. Walked home. To bed 3 A.M.


Thursday, January 27, 1921

Beautiful bright clear cold still day. Arose 8 A.M. Breakfast, toilet etc. Studied Economics. Dinner. Got dressed. Took Economics exam 2-5 P.M. Extremely Long. To Library. Supper. Bowled at Morse with H.H. Home. Studied etc. To bed 10 P.M. Thankful for comforts.

I wonder what students studied in Economics back then? Apparently, there was a depression from 1920-21. Did they study that, do you think? Here is an article about it: Depression 1921.

Wednesday, January 26, 1921

2 above zero. Beautiful bright clear cold still day. Arose 7:30 A.M. Breakfast, studied. To College 9-10 A.M. Psychology exam. Home. Wrote in diary, letter etc. Dinner. Took nap. Down town. Bowled at Star with H.H. Home in evening. Studied. Ruth & H.H. skating. To bed 10:30 P.M.


Tuesday, January 25, 1921

Beautiful bright cold clear winter day. Practically no snow on ground. Arose 7 A.M. Breakfast etc. To College 8 A.M. to 12:15 M. Dinner. Took nap. Started Ford Car. Down town. Supper. Home in evening. Studied. Played Euchre with H.H. & S.T. To bed 10 P.M.


Monday, January 24, 1921

Cool bright clear windy day. Arose 8 A.M. Read paper. Breakfast etc. To College 9 A.M. - 12:45 M. Dinner. Read "Doll's House" by Ibsen. Down town. Bowled at Star with H.H. & McLean. Supper. Prepared key. To Church to H.S. Prize Speaking Contest. Florence Lavery won girls prize. Talked etc. To bed 11 P.M.

Given the subject matter of A Doll's House, I wonder if Stanford liked it? He doesn't say.

Sunday, January 23, 1921

Bright cool breezy day. Some snow towards night. Arose 9 A.M. Breakfast etc. To Church & S.S. Dinner. Out for ride. Called on Uncle John & Aunt Gertie. Nice visit. To E.L. Out for walk with gang. To Social after Church. Walked up with Doris Smith. TO BED 11:30 P.M.

Doris Smith again? Hmmmm . . . 

Saturday, January 22, 1921

Fair mild damp day. Arose 7 A.M. Breakfast etc. To College 8 A.M. to 12:15 M. Dinner. Candled eggs. Out on hike, end of Campbell Ave line 10 K.S.P. boys. Fine time. Home. To Union-Syracuse game 24-25 with father. Exciting. To BED 11 P.M.

Union almost won!

Friday, January 21, 1921

Mild wet overcast day. Some rain. Arose 7:30 A.M. Studied. Breakfast etc. To College 9-11 A.M. Home. Studied. Dinner. Candled eggs. To Rhetoric 2:30 to 3:45 P.M. Spoke on THRIFT. Candled eggs. Supper. To P.O. To College Phi Nu Theta: Alpha Gamma Phi B.B. game 11-13. Down town. Watched bowling. Studied. To bed 10:30 P.M.


Thursday, January 20, 1921

Mild damp day. Some snow & rain. Arose 7 A.M. Breakfast etc. To College 8-11 A.M. Home. Read paper. Dinner. To Library to write rhetoric speech. Clean up. To Chicken Supper at church with R.E.N. To Phi Nu Theta meeting. Learned oration etc. To bed 12 BELLS.

I'm not sure who R.E.N. is, but it might be Russell Norris. 

Wednesday, January 19, 1921

- 2 degrees. Cold, still, clear, bright, dry day. Arose 8 A.M. Breakfast. Helped father crank car etc. To College 9-11 A.M. Delivered eggs. Dinner. To Library. Down town. Bowled with H.H. Supper. Wrote letter. To Post Office. Studied, talked etc. To bed 10:30 P.M.

Those old cars were tough to crank!

Tuesday, January 18, 1921

4 below zero. Beautiful bright cold clear windy day. Below zero for first time of winter. Arose 7 A.M. Breakfast etc. To College 8 A.M. - 12:15 M. Dinner. Studied. Took very short repose. Bowled at Morse with H.H. 140-144-174-186-215. Supper. Candled eggs, studied. Played games etc. To bed 10:30 P.M.


Monday, January 17, 1921

Cold windy blustery day. 1/2" snow. Arose I A.M. Breakfast, read paper etc. To College 9 A.M. -1:10 P.M. Dinner. Took nap. Studied, talked etc. Supper. Home in evening. Played piano. Studied. To bed 10 P.M. Thankful for health, friends etc.


Sunday, January 16, 1921

Dr. Willy here. Beautiful bright cool clear day. Arose 8:15 A.M. Took Bath. Breakfast etc. To Church and S.S. Dinner. To Jail at 4 P.M. to help lead meeting. To E.L. Social hr. 5:15-6:15 P.M. To E.L. 116 present. To Evening service & Fire side social. To Parkers Corners, to bed 1:45 A.M.

I wonder what meeting Stanford attended at the Jail? And who is Dr. Willy?

Saturday, January 15, 1921

Mild overcast day. Arose 7 A.M. Usual morning routine. To College 8-11 A.M. Got hair cut. Washed hair. Dinner. Short nap. Candled eggs. Errands. Beat rugs etc. Supper. To B.B. Game at 8:15 P.M. Union 18-N.Y.U. 22. Down town. Bowled 1 game. Talked. To bed 12:30 P.M.

I wonder if Stanford is getting tired of writing his diary?

Friday, January 14, 1921

Overcast dark mild day. Very little snow. Arose 8 A.M. Breakfast etc. To College 9 A.M. - 11 A.M. Started Ford. Dinner. Took nap. To Rhetoric Class 2:30: 3:30 P.M. Studied. Bowled with Church League 156-138-178. F.M.E. 2 Bellevue Reformed 1. To bed 11:30 P.M.


Thursday, January 13, 1921

Beautiful bright cold clear day. Arose 7 A.M. Breakfast etc. To College 8 A.M. - 12:15 M. Dinner. Helped Father. Downtown. Bowled. Studied. Talked etc. Supper. To Phi Nu Theta meeting and committee meeting. To bed 10 P.M. + 45 minutes.


Wednesday, January 12, 1921

Overcast cool breezy clear dry day. Arose 8:10 8:10 A.M. Read paper, letter from Nellie etc. Helped father. To College 9 A.M. - 12:15 M. Jeff Ford here to dinner and over night. Wrote in diary. Took nap. Talked with Mr. Obrien about insurance. Home in evening. Studied. Wrote letter. To P.O. To bed 12 P.M.

Still uncertain who Jeff Ford is. 

Tuesday, January 11, 1921

Overcast mild humid day. Arose 7 A.M. Studied etc. To College 8 A.M. - 12:30 M. Bolt in French. Dinner Skating at Central Park with H.H. Punk. Bowled at star with H.H. 183-197-205. Supper. Wrote in diary etc. Talked with Russell at House. To Classical Club at Dr. Kellogg's home. 8:30 P.M. To bed 11:30 P.M.

Dr. Kellogg was George Dwight Kellogg, one of the faculty who taught Latin literature and language. He was a graduate of Yale University, obtaining his PhD in 1898. He lived at 4 Rosa Rd in Schenectady in 1920. Dr. Kellogg taught Latin at least until 1940. He had a son, George Dwight Jr., who married a Miss Anne Hutchinson in 1964; it was the younger George's second marriage, his first wife having died.

Monday, January 10, 1921

Cool bright clear dry day. Streets bare. Arose 7:40 A.M. To Prof. Perry's house for Ruth. Breakfast. Helped father. To College 9 A.M. - 12:50 M. Dinner. Took nap. Down street. Bowled. Home in evening. Studied, talked, played etc. To bed 10 P.M.


Sunday, January 9, 1921

Beautiful bright cool clear day. Arose 9 A.M. Breakfast. Took bath, etc. Out for walk all alone. To S.S. Fred Lincks here to dinner. Talked. Down to Prof. Perry's for candy. To E.L. Cabinet meeting at our house. To E.L. To Kingsburys with D.S.R. To Church & Fireside social. Talked with Russell Norris by fireplace. To bed 12:45 P.M.


Saturday, January 8, 1921

Hillside Cottage UNION 21 WESLEYAN 20. Overcast mild damp day. Little snow. Arose 7 A.M. Usual routine. To College 8-11 A.M. Home. Dinner. Washed hair. Candled eggs with H.H. Mother, Father, H.H. & I out to John & Anna Myers. Nice visit. To Armory at Nite with M.J.F. State League Game. Sch'dy 29 Cohoes 27. To bed 12:15 P.M.

Well, the State Basketball League game was an important one, apparently, as it got a pretty big write-up in the Schenectady Gazette. Here is a clipping from the January 8, 1921 morning paper:

Looks like Schenectady (the Dorpians) accomplished their mission, as Stanford reports they won the game. These are apparently adult teams. By the way, the Schenectady Dorpians were also a minor league baseball team in 1895.

Here are the State League standings, as reported by the Gazette:

Friday, January 7, 1921

Cool, dry, breezy overcast day. Arose 8:05 A.M. Breakfast etc. Helped father. To College 9 A.M. to 12:15 M. Dinner. Candled eggs. To rhetoric 2:30 - 3:30 P.M. Cleaned and dressed up. To tea 5 P.M. Prexy's house. Supper. Studied. To bed 11:15 P.M.

Don't know who Prexy is, but . . . tea? I think Prexy is the college president. There are other examples of this usage at the time. There was a President's Tea in 1951, so that could be what Stanford is jokingly referring to here. Perhaps they have them every year?

Thursday, January 6, 1921

Clear, overcast, colder. Arose 7 A.M. Made toilet, breakfast etc. To College 8 A.M. - 12:30 M. Uncle John here to dinner. He, father, H.H. and I played games. Studied. Downtown with H.H. Bowled. Supper. To High School at night. S.S. B.B. League 2nd Reform 19 - F.M.E. 14. Talked on corner etc. To bed 11 P.M.

I guess the First Methodist Sunday School team wasn't as good as the 2nd Reform team. Still, it seems shocking to see such a low score.

Stanford's drawing of his day is kind of cute. Apparently the men played dominoes, among other games, perhaps. I like Stanford's depiction of a basketball game. It's kind of impressionistic, wouldn't you say?

Wednesday, January 5, 1921

Overcast wet nasty day with rain. Arose 8 A.M. Breakfast. Helped father etc. To College 9 A.M. to 12:15 M. Down town. Bowled at Morse with Hanford. Home in Evening. Studied. Fred Lincks called. Visited. To bed 10:30 P.M. Thankful for friends, education.

Couldn't determine who Lincks is, but there may be another opportunity later.

Tuesday, January 4, 1921

Overcast mild damp muggy day. Arose 7 A.M. Made toilet. Breakfast. To College 8 A.M. to 12:25 M. Dinner. Wrote in diary etc. Bowled at Morse with H.H. Bought razor blades etc. Home in evening. Studied, wrote etc. To bed 10 P.M. Thankful for health.

So, vacation is over at last and it's back to school!

The safety razor was a fairly new invention in 1921, having been patented in January of 1920. I wonder if Stanford bought safety razor blades?

Below is a 1921 ad, for sale on, showing all the wondrous features of this new product:

Monday, January 3, 1921

Parkers Corners: Overcast mild damp day. Arose 8 A.M. Breakfast. Orange, Cereal, Sausage Rolls, & Milk. Loaded up. To City with D.S.R. Home 10:30 [A.M.]. Changed clothes. Mopped floors at Corner House. Dinner. Read paper, helped father etc. Candled eggs. To bed 9:45 P.M.

I guess he was pretty tired after the last night's activities!

Sunday, January 2, 1921

Beautiful bright warm day. Snow fastly melting. Arose 9:30 A.M. Cleaned up. Took bath. To Communion at Church. To S.S. Out to Reynolds in Kingsbury's Car. Chicken dinner. Helped change tires, separated milk, etc. Lunch. Played games and read. Stayed overnight. Kingsburys also. Talked etc. To bed 12 BELLS.

I guess the Kingsburys and the Reynolds were also friends?

Stanford is now adding little illustrative drawings to every post. The one for this date is somewhat cryptic. I think the crosshatching is intended to convey games. The circular drawing is probably depicting changing tires. What he doesn't mention in the write-up is the kiss he apparently got (> <). There's a drawing of a bed, and then next to it the Greek initials Δ Σ Ρ, the equivalent of D.S.R. Curious . . . 

Saturday, January 1, 1921

HAIL 1921. Cool in A.M. and bright. Warmer and overcast at night with some rain. Arose 9 A.M. To Uncle Johns with Super Six. Ed & Leila there. Good dinner. Roast Pork, mashed potatoes, jelly, pickles, biscuits, pie, cake, New Years Cookies, punch, etc. Home. Bowled at Morse with H.H. [Hanford Hillman]. Ruth had party at house in evening. Mark Sawyer, Marion B., H.H., Eldyth Proper & I. Played games. Eats. Fine time. TO BED 1:30 A.M.

That was quite a feast! I'm not sure who Eldyth Proper was, but there was such a person living in Schenectady, 18 years old in 1920, who was a neighbor of Merlin Finch. So she is probably the same Eldyth referred to here. According to city directories, Eldyth became a school teacher. In the ship's passenger lists for 1936, Eldyth was still living in Schenectady and still single, traveling to and from Europe. After that, she disappears from the record.